National Course -Bosnia and Herzegovina (Core course for trainers)


»Forums » Announcements »Greetings and presentation of ADSFBiH realization

Greetings and introduction of the ADSFBiH implemented by Ivana Miskovic – Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 11:28 PM.

Dear participants,

Your first task at the training is very simple, which is to add Greetings and introductions to this forum + your first and last name (e.g. Greetings and introductions – Ivana Miskovic), and in such a way that you choose to do it by adding a video/or word document , according to the instructions:

  • 1.1. Record a video greeting to the participants, briefly introduce yourself and present your expectations from the training and topics you would like to know more about or/
  • 1.2. Write a greeting to the participants (text) in word, in which you will briefly introduce yourself (add a photo), and at the end,
  • 1.3. Post a video/or text here in the platform in the Forum for greetings and introductions

Good luck!

Bosnian text:

Dragi polaznici, 

Vaš prvi zadatak na obuci je vrlo jednostavan a to je da u ovom forumu dodate  Pozdrav i predstavljanje“+ Vaše ime i prezime (Npr. Pozdrav i predstavljanje –  Ivana Miskovic), i to na način da izaberete učiniti to dodavanjem videa/ ili word dokumenta, po uputama:

  • 1.1. Snimite video  pozdrav sudionicima, kratko se predstavite  i predstavite i predstavite očekivanja od treninga i teme o kojima biste željeli znati više ili/
  • 1.2. Napišite pozdrav sudionicima (tekst) u wordu , u kojem ćete se kratko predstaviti (dodajte fotografiju),  i na kraju,
  • 1.3. Objavite video /ili tekst ovdje u platformi  u Forumu za pozdrav i predstavljanje


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