Project’s target groups are:
1) project partner trainers, teachers, employees,
2) Members of NGOs,
3) SMEs,
4) employees of economy departments of regional and local governments,
5) teachers, facilitators and trainers in non-formal education in the field of entrepreneurship and project management.

First target group will be included as participant in the train the trainer programme and in the multiplier events as trainers. This target group are the employees of the project partners, who will be involved in joint staff training event (LTTA) and will be selected based on their commitment to execute new training programme in the future. They will be trainers at the multiplier events (E1-E8) whose target groups will be all project’s target groups. Participants from the other target groups will be included in the activities of training programmes in blended learning courses in each partner organisation (E9-E19, Workshops for target groups).

As for the final beneficiaries roles in the proposal, wide network of actors will be involved, such as: VET teachers/trainers/mentors in non-formal education, VET learners and students, members of NGOs, owners of SMEs especially young entrepreneurs (starting their own business), public administration employees, potential future self-employed citizens, the unemployed and interested general public.

Main selection criteria for all participants will be motivation, commitment and readiness to participate and further use gained knowledge and skills. The participants will be selected from project’s target groups based on commonly agreed criteria for selection, discussed and agreed upon on the transnational project meetings.