The objective to equip education and training systems to face the challenges presented by the recent sudden shift to online and distance learning, including supporting teachers/ trainers to develop digital competences and safeguarding the inclusive nature of learning opportunities.

Specific objective: To give support to teachers and trainers in non-formal education by providing free online resources and teacher training for developing digital educational materials
in order to enhance the inclusive nature of learning opportunities for NGOs, SMEs and public sector stakeholders.

The expected impacts on the participating organizations are increased:
1) skills for trainers of the partner organizations in development of VET programmes and e-courses,
2) capacity of partner organizations’ trainers and employees in the field digital readiness,
3) capacity of partner organizations to work in EU/international environment through cooperation between partners in project preparation, implementation and follow-up, and
4) networking opportunities and strengthening of the existing network and also the usage of e-platform with all the necessary materials for VET and business and entrepreneurship.

The project is expected to have long term sustainability ensuring all the necessary resources. One of the most important deliverables, the e-learning platform will provide open access
learning material at disposal to teachers and trainers at all levels of education related to PM providing the project’s outreach. In addition, materials will be used for self-directed
learning, non-formal and informal for trainers and teachers, SMEs, NGOs and public administration, foremost local and regional.

Trainers will continue to use their acquired skills in the project by further implementing trainings, seminars, classes, both in partner organisations and in other stakeholders – NGOs,
SMEs and schools and public bodies.